Thursday, November 22, 2007



CITY-STATES: The ancient Greece civilization was divided into city states, below you can look at a political map of ancient Greece. These city states were self governing, each one independent from each other. Three of the most powerful governing city-states were Athens, Sparta, and Corinth. These city-states had a different style of life, some were war-like and others were traders, each city-state developed differently and separately.

ARISTOCRACY: At the beginning of the Greek civilization the city-states were aristocratic, meaning that the best one rules everybody. Usually the power was shared among a group of men that came from noble families. After some time, people revolted and dictator came, in these years they were called tyrants. This type of government was mainly developed in Sparta and in Corinth.

DEMOCRACY: democracy is the type of government that says that the city-states were ruled by the people. This type of government was developed mostly by Athens. Democracy was invented by the Greek people. Democracy still is part of Greece; with no single ruler Greece had a big group of people which came together and voted to make decisions about the city-states. In the picture is the community that rules with democracy.

WOMEN: in ancient greece, woman had very few interaction with politics, they usually had no chance to vote and their role in politics was very few. Women could not be owners of properties, they say that women had a big influence in the political life of men. In the picture there is a sad greek woman, because she wanted to be involved in politics but she couldn’t.

· MILITARS: the city-state known as Sparta, was the most war-like state, so it had very strict military rules, such as that the citizen began its military service at the age of 20, remaining in the army until the age of 60. Most of the life of warriors was spent in military training, and they were not aloud to do trading or business.