Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thisbe and Pyramus: a love story

My name is Thisbe and my husband is called Pyramus we are Greek equivalents of Romeo and Juliet, we were young and beautiful and we were in love but our families don’t approve this love. We were neighbors and one day we found a crack in the wall and we whispered some sweet words but we don’t kissed each other so we agree to meet in the middles of the night outside of Babylon. Next morning, when Aurora had put out the stars, and the sun had melted the frost from the grass, we met at the accustomed spot. Then we agreed that next night when all was still to live our dwellings and walk into the fields. We agree that the one who came first would wait in a white mulberry tree. When I arrive a lion was there her jaws reeking with recent slaughter, approaching the fountain to slake her thirst. I fled at the sight, and sought refuge in the hollow of a rock. As I fled I dropped my veil. The lion after drinking at the spring turned to retreat to the woods, and seeing the veil on the ground, tossed and rent it with her bloody mouth. Then came Pyramus and saw the footprints of the lion, then he find my veil and he feel very sorry because he think that he was the caused of my death. He took my veil and he put it in the appointed tree and covered with kisses and with tears. By this time cautiously with a lot of fear I go out of the cave wishing don’t disappoint my lover, when I saw the change color of the mulberries I think I was in the wrong place and I start running then I saw Pyramus in the floor I start yelling, trying that Pyramus respond me. He opened his eyes and closes them again then he saw my veil with the blood and he told me: I follow the death as I was the caused, love and death has joined us, let one tomb contain us, and let the berries let our memorials of our blood, saying this he put me the sword into my breast, our two bodies were buried in one sepulcher, and berries never after return purple again. This was my love story of Pyramus and me Thibes.