Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Hi! I am Aphrodite (Venus), goddess of love and beauty. I was created from the violent acts of Cronos, who took a sickle and cut of the genitals of my father (Uranus) and threw them into the sea, the sperm and the sea mixed into a soft foam, and I emerged from that foam, enchanting anyone who sees me and inciting feelings of love wherever I go. I am a contender in the story of the Golden Apples, when Paris chooses me as the fairest of the three goddesses (the others were Hera and Athena) and I decided to "reward" him by giving him the love of Helen of Troy (something of a mixed blessing that led to the Trojan War). I was a beautiful woman usually accompanied by the god Eros (Love).My attributes include a dove, apple, scallop shell and a mirror. I was married to Hephaestus but I wasn’t satisfied with him so I run to the arms of Ares; god of war. From the affair we had the theory that opposites attract was created, since Ares was the god of war and I was the goddess of love and beauty. I posed naked many times for some paints.

Valeria Moscoso