Monday, November 26, 2007

Hera (Juno)

Hi, I am Hera, also known as Juno. I am Zeus wife and sister; my parents are Rhea and Cronus. I am so jealous of all those girls Zeus has affairs with, so I hate them and their sons. I love playing tricks in all those girls and their sons. Argos is my all-time favorite city, and they are under my custody. I am the goddess protector of marriage, especially of married woman. I am also the protector of heroes and I inspire heroic achievements. I am the queen of the Olympians and I take many forms, but usually I am birds. After some time I became the chief deity of war. I am also the goddess of birth and my worship is older than Zeus.

Skidmore, Joel. “Hera”. November, 26 2007

Lindemans, Micha F. “Hera” November, 26 2007