Monday, November 26, 2007

EroS aNd PsycHe!

I was the youngest and most beautiful daughter of the king. I was so beautiful that the other humans were praying to me instead of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. Aphrodite was so jealous of me that she ordered his son, Eros to use his golden arrows to cause me to fall in love with the ugliest creature in the world. When Eros find me he was admired by my beauty and because of that he accidentally prick himself with one of his golden arrows and he failed in love with me.
When I got sleep a gentle wind lifted me and let me in a beautiful place that had a golden palace. Eros was my husband and he was a gentle lover but he didn’t let me look at him so I was only in the dark night with him.
One day I was feeling a little lonely so I asked my husband to be allowed to bring my sisters for a visit. My husband allows me and he send the wind to bring my sisters. When they saw how beautiful my new home was and how sweet was my husband with me they get jealous and told me that husband was some kind of monster, and that, was the reason of why he didn’t let me saw him. They suggested that I should hide a lantern and a knife near our bed, so that I could look to see if he was definitely a monster, and cut off his head. That night when my husband seeped I took a lamp and when I raised it, I saw that my husband was not a monster but Eros! I was so admired by he’s beauty that I forget he had told me I couldn’t look at him. When he woke up he surprised me with the lamp looking at him and he went so mad that he ran and flew off.
I was desperate because I wanted him back but no god wanted to help me so I went to the temple of Aphrodite and prayed for help. Aphrodite responded by giving me a series of tasks to do. Tasks that Aphrodite believed I was going to die on.
The first task I was helped by a group of ants that made all the work for me. The second task I was helped by a tree that told me how to give Aphrodite what she wanted without getting killed. The third task I was helped by an eagle that bridged me what I needed. And my last Task was to go to the underworld and bring Aphrodite a piece of beauty of Persephone in a golden box.
Persephone didn’t have any problem to give me a piece of her beauty to Aphrodite but when I was going back with the golden box I was so curios that I opened it and I immediately fall unconscious. Eros could no longer restrain the love he feel for me. He went as fast as he could were I was and woke me up. He told me that I need to give the box to Aphrodite and that he would take care of the rest.
When I end with my last task my dear Eros took me to the heavens and he spoke of his love for me so eloquently Zeus was moved to grant him his wish. Zeus gave me a cup of ambrosia, the drink of immortality. Zeus then joined our eternal marriage. Later we had a daughter, who was named Pleasure and we lived happy ever after

By: daniela Jaramillo