Saturday, November 24, 2007


Hi, my name is Bellerophon I’m a greek hero from Corinth. I am known for capturing Pegasus and killing the chimera. I’m the son of King Glaucus who was a skilled equestrian that thought me how to ride at a young age. With the help of a golden bridle given by Athena I was able to capture Pegasus while he drank from a pond. With the help of pegasus I was able to kill the chimera and free the people who lived near by. I was married to king iobate´s daughter. One day when I was king I wanted to go to the mount Olympus to visit the gods. Zeus grew displeased because of it and sent a fly to sting Pegasus, he shook me off and I fell to the ground. Athena saved my life, but Pegasus was gone. I searched for a long time for him but he never returned.

Name: Bellerophon
Ralm: hero-earth
Abilities: riding wild horses, skilled warrior
Story most famous for: killing the chimera
By: $ergio $affon

Bellerophon. Encyclopedia Mythica. Retrieved November 24, 2007, from Encyclopedia Mythica Online.<>